"All of us are broken. Just a question of how much and how far we're willing to go to fix it." (Gary from Final Space).
Every single one of us has a battle inside. We can ignore it all we want, which tends to be the trend. We can either be all in, or not in at all. There is no such thing as kind of fixing our problems. That would be covering up the problem, and not facing it head on. But how do we do this? How do we fix our problems. You would be surprised if you stuck with one thing and kept going. I am talking about working and moving forward every day on this one thing. I have tackled quite the inner demons inside. What does this mean? It means I looked within, and noticed that I do have a dark side to me. We all do. There are behaviors that we have that are unexplainable. We say things like "I don't know what came over me." or "I wasn't feeling like myself." and even "Sorry." The thing is, our dark sides, are our true selves. It is a side that we are not putting a mask on for society. It is a side where we are not faking a smile to pretend we are okay. It is a side when we are by ourselves, we can feel truly judgement free. Until we try to hide our dark side. We pretend we don't have any evil in us. When we watch the news, we see monsters. We ask ourselves how can someone do such a thing? When in reality, we all can do such a thing. We are all extremely primal. We are not much different than we were 200,000 years ago. Yes, we have adapted, and we do have higher cognitive abilities, but we still have primal patterns, and the fight or flight mechanism. We have that lizard brain that we don't need as much in our current society. Technology is advancing faster than we are. We are still driven by emotions. That is because we are emotional beings. Before we were able to communicate with pictures and language, we had to communicate through emotions. Living in our current society, I feel that we are losing our skills as emotional beings. Yes we are driven by emotions, but at the same time, we don't realize that on a day to day basis. We try to rationalize some situation as if we are being targeted, or we put blame on others. Robert Greene said "People judge others based on what they did wrong, but judge themselves on what they did right." This is a major problem we have in society. Why is this happening? That is because we are losing grip of our true ability as humans. And that is understanding behaviors in other humans. It is how we survived all of this time. But instead of understanding, we are being consumed by emotions. They are contagious. Especially viral emotions, the posts and comments on social media. If you keep reading the same thing, you are going to build a pattern of thinking in your own brain, and start having a perspective that negatively impacts you. No matter how red pilled, nihilistic, rational, and logical you are, every situation that ever happens to you will first be processed emotionally. It is up to you on how you want to move forward. Do you want to let the emotions drive you? Or do you want to understand the emotions and behaviors that are involved? If we can have a scope of understanding human behavior all around us at the most basic and humanistic level, we can start understanding that not everyone is out to get us. That we can have the attitude we want in every situation and deal with how it affects us. We all have special gifts and niches we excel in. We all have compassion, logic, primal urges, and dark sides. Acceptance is the key. Accept that you are broken. Once you accept that, you have to decide how far you're willing to go to understand yourself.
Every single one of us has a battle inside. We can ignore it all we want, which tends to be the trend. We can either be all in, or not in at all. There is no such thing as kind of fixing our problems. That would be covering up the problem, and not facing it head on. But how do we do this? How do we fix our problems. You would be surprised if you stuck with one thing and kept going. I am talking about working and moving forward every day on this one thing. I have tackled quite the inner demons inside. What does this mean? It means I looked within, and noticed that I do have a dark side to me. We all do. There are behaviors that we have that are unexplainable. We say things like "I don't know what came over me." or "I wasn't feeling like myself." and even "Sorry." The thing is, our dark sides, are our true selves. It is a side that we are not putting a mask on for society. It is a side where we are not faking a smile to pretend we are okay. It is a side when we are by ourselves, we can feel truly judgement free. Until we try to hide our dark side. We pretend we don't have any evil in us. When we watch the news, we see monsters. We ask ourselves how can someone do such a thing? When in reality, we all can do such a thing. We are all extremely primal. We are not much different than we were 200,000 years ago. Yes, we have adapted, and we do have higher cognitive abilities, but we still have primal patterns, and the fight or flight mechanism. We have that lizard brain that we don't need as much in our current society. Technology is advancing faster than we are. We are still driven by emotions. That is because we are emotional beings. Before we were able to communicate with pictures and language, we had to communicate through emotions. Living in our current society, I feel that we are losing our skills as emotional beings. Yes we are driven by emotions, but at the same time, we don't realize that on a day to day basis. We try to rationalize some situation as if we are being targeted, or we put blame on others. Robert Greene said "People judge others based on what they did wrong, but judge themselves on what they did right." This is a major problem we have in society. Why is this happening? That is because we are losing grip of our true ability as humans. And that is understanding behaviors in other humans. It is how we survived all of this time. But instead of understanding, we are being consumed by emotions. They are contagious. Especially viral emotions, the posts and comments on social media. If you keep reading the same thing, you are going to build a pattern of thinking in your own brain, and start having a perspective that negatively impacts you. No matter how red pilled, nihilistic, rational, and logical you are, every situation that ever happens to you will first be processed emotionally. It is up to you on how you want to move forward. Do you want to let the emotions drive you? Or do you want to understand the emotions and behaviors that are involved? If we can have a scope of understanding human behavior all around us at the most basic and humanistic level, we can start understanding that not everyone is out to get us. That we can have the attitude we want in every situation and deal with how it affects us. We all have special gifts and niches we excel in. We all have compassion, logic, primal urges, and dark sides. Acceptance is the key. Accept that you are broken. Once you accept that, you have to decide how far you're willing to go to understand yourself.